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Avengers 44 , Batman 40 and finally Multiversity #2 review

Big things happen in several comic book issues today. Avengers finally hit the end with their Time Runs Out storyline with Avengers #44. Batman meets an endgame with the Joker in Batman #40 and Multiversity reaches its conclusion in Multiversity #2. Hit the jump to see my thought on all this issue.

Avengers #44 : Time Runs Out finale

I'll be honest, while DC's Convergence is pretty exciting and confusing right now, Hickman's wrap up in Avengers #44 was a much better one that Futures End #48. I was in and out with his writing , feeling that there is so much unnecessary storyline but he certainly tie it up all the loose ends here in this issue. You know he has been planning this all along because whatever you saw or read in issue #1 was brought back here as this two men out of time fighting each other.

Yes, I said that becuase Hickman manage to put a subtle hint that both Steve and Tony is man out of time. The difference is that Steve is the man of yesterday and Tony is the man of tomorrow. Shocking the Secret Way set up was not as much as I thought it would be. In fact, I don't understand how did the worlds become what it becomes in Secret Wars as the final page just showed the last incursion. It is probably be touched in the first issue of the event, it is probably not.

If there is any problem with the issue, the art changes too much throughout the book, while I wished I could Jerome Openo's art again when they flashback into issue #1, I kind glad they asked the issue artist the redraw because it would be a mess to see the issue changes. Also while I understand Avengers and New Avengers was supposed to tie in with each other, I rather have them tie in to each other but focusing on separate storyline instead (similar to World Ends and Futures End) so you can still follow the story without reading the other.

Overall, it was a really good conclusion for those who have been following Avengers for two years and if you have been following the book since issue #1, read it back and you'll appreciate the writing more. I give this book a 4.5 out 5.0. It was a very very good issue but the changes in art kind of bother me a little bit and the artist who drew was not particularly good as well.

Batman #40 : Endgame Finale

Now, where should I start with this one. My God, Scott Snyder. I talked about this twice and I've read three stories written by Scott Snyder and I think Batman #40 sort of confirm my thought on his writing. He doesn't know how to conclude a story. Batman #40 again ended with the philosophical talk about immortality and why Batman need the Joker and what not. 

So the issue started with a great twist of Batman plan and a revelation that would or would not change the status quo or a character again. What's great about this issue is that Batman is finally ahead of the game after previous issue where he was beaten. Unfortunately, the climax was just a carbon copy of Death of the Family, in fact starting from the revelation of his plan, it was the exact same pace of the climax of Death of the Family and I was so pissed off. 

The issue does give a change of status quo for Batman and I am interested how this all will tied up post-Convergence and how Snyder himself explain the return of Bruce Wayne sometime in the future. Art was as good as usual from Capullo and I think DC has always done a good job of giving the best art in the kicking issue and concluding issue of any of their events. 

Overall, it was kind of disappointing issue for me and I feel like they gonna rewrite the last few pages again similar to what they did in The Death of the Family paperback collection. I give Batman #40 3.5 out 5.0. A good conclusion, a great set up for Post Convergence but disappointing finale.

Multiversty #2 
So Multiversity finally reaches its conclusion. After that super confusing previous issue, we finally back to its original storyline from Multiversity #1 about I don't how long ago . That is the biggest flaw of this issue, the first issue was so long ago, when I read this one, I was super confuse of what happening, not that Morrison writing was not confusing enough. Good job of writing such a meta-issue and it was a different experience for me to read such a comic, but I don't think this is my cup of tea.

The pace of the story is seemingly be sped up as most of the fighting scene was cut up to save pages. While throughout the run, Morrison brought in some questions on what's happening to the Multiverse , I don't think any of it being answered and I don't know where is the end of this issue is heading to as this is a limited issues. I could the character reappear in Justice League based on the prologue to the Darkseid War or probably somewhere in Convergence later. The art is top notch as expected from Ivan Reis which is again DC Comic specialty to provide the best art possible for an event concluding issue.

Overall I give Multiversity #2 3.5 out 5.0. It was a bit confusing when you have two issue so far in between, but it is book that you can read over and over again. Art was really good.

So what do you think of all of these three issues ? Do you agree with my opinion ?Sound off your thought in the comment section. Stay tuned for Avengers : Age of Ultron review this Friday. Don't forget to like and subscribe to us at Facebook, Youtube, and Tapastic. Finally, keep following us here at Comikrew Studio.


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