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The Snow I Imagined

Today is the first day snow falls in Indiana. During the Creating Writing class, we got a chance to write a poem about snow. So for a change on this special day, we are sharing it with you.

The Snow I Imagined
feettri Ibrahim

I imagine the snow will be like
in every other Christmas movie,
falls gracefully,
decorating the house for Christmas.

Then last year happened,
when it came furious.
Making me realized 
Those snow in the movie,
they are all just fiction.

I remembered I woke up last year,
I peeked at the window.
Everything is white, everything is flat.

No, it was not The Day after Tomorrow.
No, it was not Snowpiercer.
It was not the apocalyptic snow I saw in the movie.
In other words, it is still beautiful,
in the eye of those who never had snow.

Maybe it just the picture in the Instagram,
but I will tell you,
whether it looks beautiful, or it looks awful,
it is not like in any movies you have watched.

I guess it was just me,
whether it came furious,
whether it comes grace,
I got excited when it falls.

What do you think of the poem ? Do you like the changes of the feeling ? Do you want us to share more poem ? Leave your thought in the comment section. Stay tuned for more special things from us. Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us here at Comikrew Studio !!


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