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Comikrew Studio 2014 !!

Wonder what stores for you guys in 2014 ? Hit the jump to get the very first look of titles that will be available for 2014 !!

For 2014, Comikrew Studio undergoes major changes in the titles and comic style as we will be using the short comic style (6 pages) again after the end of our National Crisis event and CHU 0RIGIN event. Now lets get to titles set to come out in 2014 !!


National Crisis will continues with issue 6 and issue 7 on January. The previously announced tie-in will cancelled as it has been decided to make National Crisis universe and The Peacekeeper universe two different universe.
On the decision of two separate universe:
National Crisis has a lot of things happen in its own universe especially with them connected to Chronicle of Tri world. This decision is took to avoid complexities in the timeline itself. The ending of National Crisis will be a closed ending for the event but contain points for future continuation.


CHU will be releasing its final issue with The Wanderer on February. The future of the universe is still undecided but there is several storyline line up for the characters. 


Two titles are set to be released on 2014, one of them, Chronicle has been teased through Comikrew's Christmas and New Year poster while another one will be Diari Malaysia Asyikin. Both of the comic will be following the format of short comic (6 page per episode) but will be released in a two separate way.


Chronicle will be focusing on a post-apocalyptic earth in the year of 3000. The basic of the story was actually for The Zuhalian's sequel. The series will be released in the form of collected episodes. Two issue has been confirmed for now. Chronicle: The Demon's Son is set to be released on April 2014 while Chronicle: Pirate Brotherhood is set to be released sometime during summer 2014.
On the theme of Chronicle:
Chronicle deal with the theme of war. You'll see how Earth has changed a lot in the story and how people tried to survive after the change. While it was based from The Zuhalian sequel draft, it will a brand new world building and hold a very global feeling in it.


Diari Malaysia Asyikin is another series set to come up sometime in 2014. The story will be set in 2100 where some people has lived in space colony and focused on Asyikin, who has to leave the space colony and move to earth. Throughout the series, each story will focused how Asyikin deal with the changes between space colony and earth. Unlike Chronicle, Diari Malaysia Asyikin has no fixed release date. However, its debut episode is set to come out before the fasting month and raya special episodes.
On the choice of based plot of Diari Malaysia Asyikin:
As we later know, there will be a huge different between living in a space colony and living on earth and this issue will be address throughout the series. We also are targeting to show the interesting thing happen in Malaysia that we usually take for granted. The series draw its inspiration from K-ON! so expect a lot music influence in it.

Which one the title you are excited the most ? Sound off your thought in the comment section. Stay tuned for more comic updates from us and be sure to continue to follow us, Comikrew Studio in 2014 !!


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